What you should expect from teach to one

Math may be tough sometimes, but that does not make it boring. You can find math to be exciting and interesting. The traditional form of teaching does not induce interest in the minds of the student. This is why the non-profit organization known as teach to oneemploys a different approach in teaching mathematics to students. Instead of making one teacher teach a whole class, why not make that teacher direct all his focus and energy to one student?

The latter is bound to produce more result that the other. Think of the former as throwing spaghetti against the wall. Few of the strands will stick, but the ones that do not stick are left to waste and rotten on the floor. Individualized teaching is the best way to make students like math. So, when you are learning under teach to one math, you can be sure that you will get a tutor that will take his or her time and effort to teach you math. If you are having difficulty on any topic, you will not be ashamed to talk to your tutor about his because there is no one around to mock you for not understanding the topic in question. This is the kind of learning experience you can expect from the NGO mentioned above.

Presently, this educational NGO teaches only mathematics. However, they hope to broaden their scope. Math is an interesting and engaging subject, but so is science. Very soon, this educational non-profit organization will apply their personalized learning model of teaching to subjects such as, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Also, the mathematics topics taught only covers the purview of the fifth to eight grade, leaving other grades out of the scope. But the organization is working on enlarging their scope to cover topics of other grades. This and many more is what you should expect from teach to one.#What you should expect from teach to one


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