Gain 'Real' Subscribers on YouTube, and it is Not That Hard!
YouTube, a video-sharing app, had swift popularity from the very beginning of its arrival. Daily viewers on YouTube estimated around 1 billion, and it is only growing day by day. It has become like a daily routine for people. Many new creative and innovative content are uploaded daily makes the viewers more engaged. The videos can be of any subject that can be both academic and fun. The Monetization factor also inspired them to get active with their channel. Most people knew that 1000 subscribers would make them receive money, but the reality is that it only makes them 'eligible' for the same. YouTube gives importance to 'engagement' rather than 'number.' To put it another way, no matter a channel has 1000 subscribers or more, the monetization depends upon the channel's increased browsing and view. So, the growth of a channel lies primarily in the increasing number of subscribers. Ever since YouTube emerged, the ways to get ‘real’ subscribers on yo...